A break-up letter to myself

Hello Darling

To feel - is to trust- and, (someone told me this morning)- always trust how you feel.

For a brief moment I felt sad, disappointed, and frustrated (with the universe) to be breaking up, because, well you lit me up. I feel safe with you. I like who you are. 

I feel you are an amazing human being, really doing your best in this crazy complicated society we find ourselves in.

It seems your heart might still be hurting from other heartbreak, and that on its own is alot! Let alone the daily operation of adulting.

You have honoured yourself deeply by making this choice- and in turn- that is honouring me.  By following our own personal truths, we are in loving service to ourselves, and subsequently to those around us. Thank you. 

There is an expression, I think it is Buddhist- that says we are all walking each other home. Like you, I am human, complex, beautiful, feeling a range of emotions every day whilst supporting my family and following my dreams. 

By you honouring your truth, you are helping me on my walk home. That is, the sadness I felt in this break up was an opportunity for me in a few different ways. In that moment I could choose to focus on the anger or sadness (which I did feel and honour) but I chose to focus on how much I love myself, and also that you are choosing yourself + with the added bonus of being able to communicate that- which makes you an emotionally evolved human! (and I attracted you so I must be on a good path!!). 

I feel for you- I really do. There is a part of me that wishes I could come and hug you, cook you a meal, and sit with you whilst you share. I want to be your friend too - that is as sexy as all the other things. However, I respect where you are at, and I know that there is deep beauty in you making this call. I see you (in the avatar way).  I have reverence for this opportunity. 

We can never know what will happen next (relax- everything is out of control- someone reminded me of this recently). So, for now, I just want to honour all of you- the human that I encountered who is kind, thoughtful, extremely intelligent, emotionally evolved, a dedicated father, dedicated to himself, hardworking, and with a beauty-full soul.

I am here - however that looks.

I am sending you a prayer of loving support - you are a vibe!

With love, 

Shelly x

PS. If you are looking for a tool to add to your toolkit, I recommend the Ho’oponopono  prayer/mantra. It is super-simple and you can use it for anything.


It’s the comeback that counts.


True love.