The madness.

How do you stop shame …. You know that strong voice demanding your attention?

Eckhart Tolle says “ But to see your own madness is the beginning of healing insanity. Because there is in every human being not only the madness, there is also the sanity”. 

The tantrikas call it integration of the shadow. The hindu philosophy acknowledges it through the tri-devi and tri-deva. Narcotics Anonymous (12 steps) call it out somewhere (help me out if you know- I can’t remember which step/s it is).

Once we begin to work with the idea of moving through the discomfort of feeling shame (or really any other uncomfortable feeling) with the right tools and the right support, we will eventually go beyond human pain and suffering and find ourselves sitting gracefully and with ease in the hotseat of transformation. 

Shame shows us the things we need to see about ourselves. It takes the focus of the external world- we stop projecting and begin the process of realising that meaningful change- starts with us.

Shame reminds us of our own frailties.

It reminds us that we too are a perfectly-imperfect being- and connects us once again to our fellow humans.

Its a by-product of the madness - the feelings or thoughts we have, or the decisions we have made and actions we have taken, that were not in alignment with our highest self, or for the highest good of all.

You could think of it like a check-point, or an orange light. An opportunity to slow down and take stock. In some cases it could be a red flag!

But the cool thing is, its not the be all and end all, its just another moment. So feel it, but don’t become it.

The monkey mind- the ego- will try and lock you down. Keep you spiralling.

That’s why I am here. To remind you right here and right now that your are PERFECTION EMBODIED. That you are the divine, and that you my dear, are exactly what the world needs. That no matter what you think your issues/imperfections/flaws are- that you just need to keep showing up- for you, and for me.

At the end of the day, we all have something to be shameful about- the magnitude might differ, but we can all do better. Don’t judge yourself, use discernment and keep on moving on.

You are only just getting started my dear.

Big Love,

Shelly X




“You had a purpose before anyone had an opinion”