A Beautiful Struggle

“Life will give you whatever experience is most helpful for the evolution of your


Eckhart Tolle may be right….. but when you are in it, pondering some philosophical concept - wisdom is not so readily received.

A friend Steve once said this to me:

Life is a beautiful struggle.

Sometimes life pushes us to the edge. Sometimes we cry at the wonder of it all.

I think the constant is that there is always a chance to learn.

When your back is up against the wall - it might just be the invitation you have needed- the opportunity the universe has been waiting to show you, so that finally you pay attention to the whispers of your intuition.

The trick is, learning how to navigate the ups and the downs, and how to become a master of change. How can we develop resilience, become adaptable, and become accepting of all-the-things that life places on our path.

The Hindus think big-picture- the concepts of karma and re-incarnation. That is, the cycle of birth, death, and re-birth…… and living out karmic cycles (until you transcend an experience). The cool thing is that you have eternity to acheive self-realisation (ie be able to let go of the mind).

Joseph Campbells’ the Heroes Journey offers another framework- The Journey of the Fool in the tarot. Each period in our life is a new adventure, we begin ignorantly, move through a trial, understand the teaching in the experience, and eventually integrate the lesson to level up or achieve some kind of wisdom.

However you move through life, remember it isn’t always graceful, we are all always learning, and there is no right or wrong way to do it.

Just show up, open your heart, and listen for the whispers. You know what to do. You always have dear one x

Yours in the magick of it all,

Shelly X


The space in between.


Changing Truths