Changing Truths

We know by now that my truth is probably different from your truth. My truth is based on the experiences I’ve had, today’s filters, and possibly how much sleep I have had in the last few weeks (or my meditation practice / level of caffeination).

The yogis talk about the maya - the veils of illusion, or layers that muddy our perception.

The scientists talk about hormones and the chemicals in the brain. 

Psychologists will talk about childhood trauma, and past experiences that we are re-living, or re-creating (because there is sooooo much comfort in our discomfort right?!) 

Religious folk will talk about sinning.

Whatever you subscribe to - truth is usually told from a perspective.

Truth changes. And here is why it should:

What if we all thought a monthly fluctuation in hormonal levels really did make you a lunatic (still healing that one down the generational lines). 

What if we thought that the 40-hour work week was the sign of being a good Joe citizen?

What if we believed what we were told- that Australia was terra nullius? (Even though that ‘truth’ has changed, it obviously hasn’t had any practical effect- but that’s another tangent). 

What if we thought being rich and famous meant that you had arrived in life. 

Take-away- Just because someone says it is so, it does not make it so.

If most of what we consider ‘truth’ did not change - we would not be evolving.

Side note -In my experience, all truths may have validity when viewed from a perspective (unless they are not - I’m talking violence, disregard for others, abuse of power etc etc). 

I have learned that there is only one single truth.


I will leave you with some words I often come back to when faced with some of my own mind-fuckery:

“For what good is living if we are not loving

I am here to love and love I will*”

Yours in all-the-things,

Rochelle X

*Words via the divine @jannerobinson from her poem “I am a woman of distinction”.


A Beautiful Struggle


The Yellow Brick Road