The Yellow Brick Road

The human experience is alot. Part of that experience includes some inevitable suffering. 

It looks something like this:

You become aware of some kind of discomfort. Maybe it’s with the physical body (a somatic expression of trauma or stuck energy), or maybe it’s the mind - a need for more, a need to be different, a need to experience something different. Worry. Anxiety. Endless thought cycles.

(FYI -  If you don’t deal with the mind stuff- it will eventually show up in the body).

Now here is where it gets really cool….

You can choose to stay in the ‘poor me’ ‘what about me’, “it’s not my fault” or the “I don’t deserve this” place.

It’s a choice to accept the suffering as permanent. Staying stuck and uncomfortable requires a sustained effort that is exhausting.

Doing nothing is doing something. And it can be surprisingly comfortable in our own discomfort.

Or you might remember that everything is impermanent, and accept the suffering in a different way. You could see it as an indicator, a sign that it’s time to heal and move forward into your next life experience. You envision the proverbial Yellow Brick Road. 

The tricky part is knowing when and how* to move. The first few steps might not be pretty, and we find ourselves in self-doubt.

But as we edge a little closer to the horizon - and there is a magical moment. A moment where momentum, self-belief, and the support of the universe converge. You smile softly, inwardly.

*Pro-tip - follow your heart (not the dopamine).

The Yogis and the Buddhists say:

“From out of the mud blooms the lotus”.

Loose translation - Humans need suffering - it is the flip side of your full expression. 

Being comfortable breeds stagnation. Laziness. And possibly worst of all - the risk of a blasé life.  

Suffering requires you to change. 

Change equates to growth. 

Growth bears wisdom. 

And wisdom, well wisdom will bring you contentment and joy.

So here we are. Full circle.  All that suffering only revealed the truth. You truly are capable, and you always had the magic in you my darling. 



Side note: 

There are levels. You might evolve, process/heal one thing- but there is always something beneath that waiting to reveal itself. Don’t fret. You are only getting started, there is lots of magic to come dear one.


Changing Truths


Liberation from Freedom