Liberation from Freedom

We have been taught that freedom is being able to have, do, and experience what we desire.

Paraphrasing from my fave doco - there really is no freedom in getting what we want all the time. If we did, we would paradoxically be bound by our desire.

Satisfying desire is part of the human suffering/ creative force that we all experience. It’s not all bad, desiring change, desiring a healthier body, desiring a safe home to live in, these are all genuine natural, and rational desires. A lot of our desires are actually core needs that our capitalist and emotionally starved society is failing to meet. But, if we keep desiring things we don’t really need - we might find:

  1. Everything is impermanent-, including (this current) life - no matter what your religion/belief system/philosophy. But my intuition tells me that our Soul is eternal.

  2. We are all connected- (no matter how you want to hash that out), and our actions, and inactions inevitably impact others.

  3. Getting what we want will not necessarily satiate our desire, we will just move on to the next shiny golden thing.

So what does it all mean, and more importantly - what do we do?

Freedom is being content with where and who you are. With all the parts of you (cause I know you know that wherever you go, there you are), and all the things that make up the kaleidoscope of your existence - your fave place to sit and ponder, the familiarity of the waves you love, and the yoga studio that is so still and quiet in the most unexpected ways on a Friday morning. It’s also being content with all the things you feel are less than desirable - that one person at work, the increasingly bad traffic, and people not walking single file on public walking tracks.

So here’s to the desire for freedom- and liberating ourselves from that ……. 💜

P.S - just one more thing, my darling - you are loved, so loved, loved beyond your wildest dreams.


The Yellow Brick Road