The possibility

Sometimes all we need is a glimmer of something to feel the fullness of real possibility and renew our sense of hope.

Like a moment of feeling the suns warmth kissing your cold skin after a long winter of self-doubt, hope, or her stronger side-kick - faith, brings warmth to our hearts and a renewed sense of possibility.

Possibility is a rich and fertile space to explore all the things that could be, all the ideas, and all the ideals that we hold in our hearts.

Hope for a peace filled future.

Hope for respite from whatever is ailing our soul.

Hope that people acting out of integrity, without love and consideration for all will suddenly realise this madness.

Over time, hope will grow into something bigger, a deep knowing, a faith, or isvara pranidana- surrendering to this knowing of all that is.

The more we develop our faith muscle, and understand and accept that the universe is on our side, the more grounded and supported we feel.

Its funny, because I started off writing this piece after watching a movie about past lives. The movie showcases the Korean buddhist belief that relationships and interactions between people in this life are a result of interactions in past lives. ‘In-yun’ means that encounters are not accidental, that there is some kind of pre-ordained cosmic thread between people to remind you that this person is a part of your journey. 緣 provides an explanation of why certain humans will meet at a time and place.

I love philsophising on all different kinds of ideas and concepts from different cultures and practices, and the idea of In-yun, is very relatable.

Its like that divine spark of recognition that you just cant describe, that doesnt make sense to the mind/ego. Like you feel like you know someone already.

Look sometimes it all ends in a mess….. its not all roses out there in life, but I think these encounters are important of the journey of our soul.

But perhaps most importantly, its a sweet little reminder from life that we are all connected. No matter how far apart we might wander in time and space, the cosmic tapestry of life is holding us all together in the most warm embrace we could imagine.

Yours in the love of it all,

Shelly X


Gypsy wanderer-ing